Cosmopolitan Stranger – Hotel de Inmigrantes 2, Hasselt, Belgium

Convivencia (2012) is a 6 meter loop pattern cut through burlap and coated with polymers.
It suggest a mozarabic mosaic through the use of transparent polyester fabric
which creates Morae patterns and simulates stained glass.
It is made as a migratory object, which can be rolled
and moved from place to place

Umm and Abba
Umm, (Mother, in Arabic, also seen in Gouda Museum hanging above the crucifixion painting)
is a hovering galabia, (bedouin ceremonial dress) with kitchen utensils rapped in black elastic.
It refers to the feeling of uncertainty of mothers in Islamic society confronted by western traditions.
It is juxtaposed to Abba (2011) ‘Father, as a pendant (male- female motif) where black rapped objects,
loop cut outs and strings connect to a rowing ore referring to forced migrations and boat people fleeing conflicts.

Passport and Mop Till You Drop

Mop Till You Drop